Sunday, April 08, 2007

Should Christians be in greek letter organizations and secret societies?

The April 8, 2007 show of The Delicate Touch will cover a very sensitive subject, Christians mixing with greek letter organizations and secret societies. Many African Americans think joining these organizations will help the plight of American Americans. Many join as a networking tool. Others think that these organizations are founded on Christian principles. Some just don't know what they are getting into by being affiliated with these organizations. In this segment we will learn why we should not be affiliated or join these organizations.

Special Guest: Minister Fred Hatchett, CEO of and author of Coming Apart At The Seams: Biblically Unraveling The Evils of Greek Fraternities and Sororities, will join me on The Delicate Touch to share his mission in awakening society about these greek letter organizations that claim to be founded in Christian principles. Minister Fred Hatchett is a former member of Omega Psi Phi fraternity and a former Mason who was enlightened by the Lord and is here to share his story.

"Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants."~Deutoronomy 32:2
God Bless You,

DelicateQueen -- 4/4/07

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