The TRUTH is found right there on the pages of and
by Rodney Minor (notes) 8:21pm Thursday, Nov 9
this is highly important!!!! i cant even explain how deep, relative, and tragic this is; so just read through it for your self!!! its worth it !!!
this is prentice dupin's profile, and i think/know Everyone needs to understand this!!! not just for you yourself, but also for the sake of others as well!!!!
spread the truth-- and the Word!!!
God will continue to bless you Prentice, for all your efforts and obedience!!!
ok, here it is:
" " Please Read!
Greek-lettered organizations neglect the spiritually righteous things only to invite and open doors to sin, allowing Satan to come and go as he pleases. There is no profit in sin. Its only reward is death. Good works, and a form of godliness (religion) were used by Greek-lettered organizations as an appeal to the church and society to say that, "Look, we're not all that bad." Once accepted by the church, GLO's have gained widespread acceptance without ever stopping their other ungodly activities. Clergy and many Christains have been sucked into the high ideal, philanthropic GLO's. The revelation of God's truth that is shown in Coming Apart At The Seams will shock members, those interested, church leadership, and the general public who really have no facts on the subject of Greek-lettered organizations. The truth will set many free. Facts are facts and GLO's, especially BGLO's, who claim to be pillars and servants of the Black community are taking no action at all to stop the gross immorality in the Black community. 536, 000 Black babies are murdered per year. This is a rate of 36% of all abortions while making up only 12% of the population. But you have BGLO's promoting and supporting Abortion Rights Candidates on all levels of Government, some being members of these organizations. Read the first sentence above again and you will see why this can, will and is happening. People are surely destroyed for the lack of knowledge.
"And Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." -- John 8:32
I Peter 2:22- "Who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth."
Jesus would have never joined a GLO, because He never knew sin, or comitted sin.
II Corinthians 5:21- "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteosness of God in him."
The word "NO" means "NO" in these scriptures.
Greek-lettered organizations are full of sins that they can't get rid of without losing their identity. GLO's wouldn't be true Greek-lettered organizations if they dropped some of the sinful things they do. Therefore, Greek-lettered organizations will always be ungodly organizations in one way or another.
Alpha Phi Alpha vs. The Word of God
Get your Bibles out!
Ephesians 4:1
The Bible
1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called.
Alpha Phi Alpha
1 I therefore beseech you, Brother, that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called.
What is the significance here? Paul refers to himself as a Christian and his relationship to the Lord, not a brother of some sect or specific organization like the Pharisees. Paul is talking to Christians and about being a Christian. Alphas are talking about their brothers and their duties. This is just another replacement act of GLO's. Placing themselves where they don't belong.
Even more sinister here is the of the word vocation. Paul is speaking of SOUL-WINNING and all other biblical aspects of living the proper Christian life. BUT what kind of vocation is Alpha speaking of: REMEMBER-EVERYTHING points toward the organization. The are talking about being a worthy Alpha. Whatever that means!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bottom Line- It is MAN focused, not Christ-centered. This is some mean misuse of scripture. So born-again Alpha, WHICH vocation are you walking worthy of???????????
The Delta Meditation vs. I Corinthians 13
This is a real ugly, ungodly piece of work that an organization that claims to be founded upon Christian principles has perpetrated. Get your Bibles out!!
"Though I speak with the tongues of the learned and profound, and have
no love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging symbol.
And though I prophesy, know all Delta laws, ritual, traditions and secrets,
and can recite them glibly;
And though I have such absolute devotion to duty that I can do anything my
hands undertake, and have not love, I am nothing.
Though I spend all my time working on worthy projects, and though I give
all I possess, pay all assessments, strive with all my might for Delta, and
have no love, I make it amount to nothing.
A true Soror is vey patient, very kind. Her love for her Sorors knows no
jealousy; she makes no parade, puts on no airs, is never rude, never,
defensive, never selfish, never irritated, never resentful.
A true Delta is never glad when others go wrong; she is gladdened by
goodness, always slow to expose, never a carrier of gossip, always eager
to believe the best, always willing to help others in the slow process of
growth. She wears her pin with humility. Her love never disappears.
As for interpreting the law, it will be superceded; as for tongues, they will
cease; as for a college education, it will be superceded.
For now we know only bit by bit and we prophesy bit by bit;
But when the true sisterly spirit is attained, the uncharitable shall fade away.
When I was a pyramid, I talked as a Pyramid, I understood as a Pyramid, I
thought as a Pyramid, but now that I have become a Delta, I am done
with the ways of those intending to be Deltas.
At present we see only the great potentialities of a Sisterhood founded on
Christian priciples, but some day we shall know that its realization rests
upon the quality of our lives in fellowship one with the other.
At present I am learning bit by bit, but then shall understand as all along the
Creator of all has understood the dignity and the worth of every individual.
Thus faith, and hope and love last on, these three, but in Delta Sigma Theta,
the greatest of these is love."
(The Official Ritual of the Grand Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated, p.79-80, 1996.)
Now why would an organization that is founded upon Christian principles say this, "We believe in a spiritual life but we leave to the individual the selection of the medium for its outward maifestation."(The Official Ritual of the Grand Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated, p.32, 1996.)
John 14:6/Acts 4:12 say the exact opposite.
A Christian based organization promoting and condoning ANY and EVERY religion. Creating a HAVEN for false beliefs to be perpetuated and cultivated.
Omega Psi Phi vs. II Timothy 2:3
Omega says, "Endure hardness as a good soldier."
II Timothy 2:3 says, Endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ."
Here we have a purposeful omittance of scripture. Why? Because in a later explanation given in the ritual, the following passage in the Omega ritual WOULD read, "Endure hardness as a good soldier of Omega Psi Phi."
Here we have again a GLO that claims to be founded upon Christian principles summarily removing Christ from His proper place and distorting scripture.
A Shift in Greeks' Rights!
What do Phi Beta Sigma, Delta Sigma Theta and Kappa Alpha Psi have in common?
Answer:Sigma and Kappa both aspire to Ares (The Iliad) and Delta and Sigma both aspire to Minerva or Pallas Athena? The gods none share are Prometheus and Apollo. I believe why many tell me they have never heard thesse gods mentioned anywhere is because national organizations DO NOT ALLOW THEIR OWN MEMBERSHIP to have a RITUAL. So many of you have unknowingly sacrificed or even been sacrifices for other gods!!!!!! You pay 1 Grand to get in and you can't have a ritual or your money back if you denounce? What's up with that? WHAT RIGHTS DO YOU ALL REALLY HAVE? Now members cannot even know the whole truth. I was told by an X-DST that at NATIONAL MEETINGS THE LEADERSHIP is having to come up with reasons as to why their organizations are not cults, but Christian principled. Why can't they stand on their foundation without having to add to it?
Pledging Uncovered
The pledge processes of many GLO's mimick the arrest of Jesus in the garden all the way to His resurrection and ascension. The blindfolding, paddling, blood, sweat, tears, the trial (GLO's have their pledges put on trial), etc. The most sinister of all is the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. Here you are, freshman Jon Doe(JD) or Mary Jane(MJ). You decide to pledge. The moment you pledge, your whole identity is lost. You are no longer JD or MJ. They are dead and buried. You are a walking epitath. JD is now Lamp #1- Underworld, MJ is Pyramid #3- Isis Girl. The whole line name for JD's process is, The Lamps of Osiris, and for MJ, The daughters of Ma'at. You are now buried and dead through your whole process. Then all of a sudden, you make it through the pledge process, including your trial. You are now initiated and exalted (resurrected and ascended) as a member. You are no longer JD or MJ. You have been transformed into JD the Omega and MJ the Delta. You have been raised from the dead of being who you were, to being what they made you. You are BORN AGAIN into the GLO.
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity's National Magazine
In Oracles the men of old
Thought purposes of gods foretold;
The poison vapors from a cave
Or sacred rustling laurels gave
A sign, while priest or priestess read
In Cryptic phrases o'er the dead
Sacrifices, which were slain
To seek what courses gods ordain
Like Oracles of old, we find
In books some mystery divine,
No sacrifice of fowl or beasts,
No chants ambiguous of priests.
But in each printed page revealed
More truth than Delphi e'er concealed.
Go booklet in Omega's name
And chronicle Omega's fame.
by Walter H. Mazyck
The History of The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, 1911-1939, p.105.
This poem is clear proof that these men and women way back then had knowledge of the demonic realm. They understood what mythology was and what it meant. These were well educated people without the internet. But Omega, with a preacher as a founder, should have openly rebuked this poem, and given it The Oracle a godly mandate to GO in JESUS' name and CHRONICLE Christianity's fame (i.e. works done to the GLORY of GOD). But this poem and its acceptance, is of no surprise for its compromise. It has been going on since the inception of GLO's
The information obtained is from the website Go educate yourself!!!
This issue of Frats/sorors needs to be addressed. And Just to make things clear, the post and information on this page is not intended for non-believers because they are doing what they supposed to do. SIN. and they good at it too. This is for those christians who involve themselves in these organizations that are not of God. I'm sick of it!! I dealt with this a year ago, when frats (black to be specific) started to become more and more of a desired thing on this campus and the response was our organization was founded on Christian principles.
WHAT ARE THE CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGHH!!!!!!
Stop slapping God's name on stuff and thinking it's okay. Please educate your spirit, come out, and be ye seperate from the world. Peace " "
now i cant speak for everything on all those sites bcuz i havent personally checked them out (besides which i can personally vouch for as all truth and holiness) so dont nodbody get no bad ideas, nor act on them... but this much information i know myself to be accurate and true, so take heed!!
you been warned, hold not the truth in unrighteousness for the punishment is greater...
and furthermore, i aint through with note-- i got more to add to this subject/note as well... hopefully sometime next week (if the good Lord say the same)...
The person who made this blog DID NOT write any thing in this post!
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