Alpha Kappa Alpha
This is for all interests and members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. My intent is to send this only to those who want to join, have joined, or denounced this sorority. It is also going to be available to any Pastor or church leader.
Now read Luke 10:27. Can you put Ford parts in a Dodge truck? No! AKA does not belong in Luke 10:27 either.
If AKA were truly a Christ-Centered organization, their pledge could be acceptable. But since they are not, it cannot be accepted
Excerpts taken from the Ritual of Alpha Kappa Alpha, 1977
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated is a reputable organization for Black women. We look for women who posses high moral and ethical standards, women who are high achievers, and women who have an interest in the betterment of the African-American community and maintaining cultured relationships with other African-American women. To be an Alpha Kappa Alpha woman is hard work and is more than stepping and throwing up your pinky at social events.
If this is truly the case, then why for decades, and in this case for 13 years did they knowingly allow such above activities to occur, as this ritual was printed in 1977. This was 13 years before the moratorium on pledging in 1990. These are not high moral and ethical standards.
Notice it says they look for women of high moral and ethical standards. How can this be so when Faye Wattleton was a member? She ran Planned Parenthood for 14 years. The betterment of African American women? She is responsible for the death of over 7.5 million black babies. Why didn’t AKA kick her out? The High Moral and Ethical standards are based on, “RELATIVE MORALITY”. They have no “STANDARD” FOR THEIR STANDARDS.
The Truth About Margaret Sanger!
(This article first appeared in the January 20, 1992 edition of Citizen magazine)
"No Gods - No Masters" -Margaret Sanger
How Planned Parenthood Duped America
EXCERPT- Please read the link above in its entirety
Sannger's Gamble”It was in 1939 that Sanger's larger vision for dealing with the reproductive practices of black Americans emerged. After the January 1939 merger of her Clinical Research Bureau and the ABCL to form the Birth Control Federation of America, Dr. Clarence J. Gamble was selected to become the BCFA regional director for the South. Dr. Gamble, of the soap-manufacturing Procter and Gamble company, was no newcomer to Sanger's organization. He had previously served as director at large to the predecessor ABCL.Gamble lost no time and drew up a memorandum in November 1939 entitled "Suggestion for Negro Project." Acknowledging that black leaders might regard birth control as an extermination plot, he suggested that black leaders be place in positions where it would appear that they were in charge as it was at an Atlanta conference.It is evident from the rest of the memo that Gamble conceived the project almost as a traveling road show. A charismatic black minister was to start a revival, with "contributions" to come from other local cooperating ministers. A "colored nurse" would follow, supported by a subsidized "colored doctor." Gamble even suggested that music might be a useful lure to bring the prospects to a meeting.Sanger answered Gamble on Dec. 10. 1939, agreeing with the assessment. She wrote: "We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." In 1940, money for two "Negro Project" demonstration programs in southern states was donated by advertising magnate Albert D. Lasker and his wife, Mary.
Birth control was presented both as an economic betterment vehicle and as a health measure that could lower the incidence of infant mortality. At the 1942 BCFA annual meeting, BCFA Negro Council board member Dr. Dorothy B. Ferebee–a cum laude graduate of Tufts and also president of Alpha Kappa Alpha, the nation's largest black sorority–addressed the delegates regarding Planned Parenthood's minority outreach efforts : With the Negro group some of the most difficult obstacles . . . to overcome are: (1) the concept that when birth control is proposed to them, it is motivated by a clever bit of machination to persuade them to commit race suicide; (2) the so-called "husband rejection" . . . (3) the fact that birth control is confused with abortion, and (4) the belief that is inherently immoral. However, as formidable as these objections may seem, when thrown against the total picture of the awareness on the part of the Negro leaders of the improved condition under Planned Parenthood, or the genuine interest and eagerness of the families themselves to secure the services which will give them a fair chance for health and happiness, the obstacles to the program are greatly outweighed.”
see page 23 of 1977 ritual
You mean the works above promoting abortion to the black community SINCE 1939.
see page 25 of 1977 ritual
There is an obvious difference between bowing one’s head to greet, as opposed to revere. Holy desires! Who determines what is holy in AKA? This was and is why it is so easy for AKA’s to be sinners and comfortable within the organization. Why are Christians so comfortable and ASSIMILATE so well in the sorority? Because they ACQUIESCE!
Do you even know what these responsibilities and laws are? They do expect you to BLINDLY trust them, as you will see below.
Why would they say such a thing? What if it went AGAINST THEIR BELIEFS? This is hypocrisy to the fullest. Would you trust someone with your hard earned money, not knowing what they would do with it? You literally do this when you pay your NON-REFUNDABLE initiation fee.
Submissive and Subjugate are strong words:
1 : to bring under control and governance as a subject : CONQUER2 : to make submissive : SUBDUE
Who is the highest authority? Read all the above quotes. It’s AKA!!!!
They are submitting and subjugating themselves to the highest power, the sorority, not God. What do you make of that?
“There’s a fascinating parallel between intonations produced by the voice, and the state of consciousness which underlies them. The higher the state of consciousness, the higher and more pure the sounds that are produced, as a general rule. The reverse is also true. Once one gains sufficient “technique” and inner knowledge regarding this practice, they can purify or “raise” the quality of their voice at will. Thus, the more transcendent the tones produced, the higher ones’ state of consciousness becomes, (also as a general rule). Because of these facts, something of the state or spirit in which these tracks were made can be felt by the listener. Even a recorded intonation conveys this,”
“Seventh Chakra, (crown of head)- High “EEEE”sound, (as in “see”)”
Although the actual intonation being spoken is aside from the above reference, it appears to more than just coincidence. I will have to talk to an X-AKA about what went on at this point in the ceremony. But the actual verbiage does lead to the next question. Reading the above purpose of intonations, it is intended to effect one’s soul.
Then you go to this:
They prepared you for the above question through the intonation.
Now we come to:
I agree with this. History has proven this organization to participate in or turn a blind eye to abominable behavior. So if an AKA is a Muslim and lives what she believes, she will openly detest any prayer in Jesus’ Name. The Muslim AKA will detest the foundation upon Christian principles. But GUESS what, the Christian will not OPENLY decry any of the immoralities of the sorority and its members.
What’s this? Blind faith in AKA with no reservations!! In this day, 2007, how is a paper AKA going to blindly trust AKA. They really know nothing. They don’t even get a ritual. For those who engage in the ILLEGAL process, are not TRULY AKA’s. DOES Jesus ask us for BLIND faith and trust with no reservations? What did the Bereans in Acts 17 do?
Now we go to the next step:
Just read it and think about the Cross of Christ. Did Jesus go through the Cross experience in secret and swear the Apostles to secrecy? The communion was done between Jesus and the Apostles, but how is it done today? If you truly live up to the principles of the organization as a Christian, prepare to compromise.
I want to know who you are praying to?
Minister what to troubled people? Strengthen whose faith; The Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, etc.? Who is Thee and Thy? Fulfilling the LAW of eternal life? What LAW? It is by grace that we are saved. WORKS SALVATION=ANOTHER GOSPEL=SATAN
Eternal Life is through Jesus Christ.
The colors, the meanings, and their origins are dealt with below. PRIDE- Proverbs 16:18
The Coat of Arms- ATLAS? THE SCALES OF EQUALITY AND JUSTICE HAS A god associated with it. THEMIS! She is actually mentioned in the burial ceremony, so her justice must be seen from an eternal/divine perspective.
Remember that Atlas’ endurance and strength had nothing to do with him being good. This was a result of his rebellion.
Themis, Goddess of Justice
See the scales in her hand? The scales of equality and justice are not so in this organization. Jesus is taken out with the trash, when the Bible says that He will judge the quick and the dead.
A common representation of Justice is a blind-folded woman holding a set of scales. The origin of the Goddess of Justice goes back to antiquity. She was referred to as Ma'at by the ancient Egyptians and was often depicted carrying a sword with an ostrich feather in her hair (but no scales) to symbolize truth and justice. The term magistrate is derived from Ma'at because she assisted Osiris in the judgment of the dead by weighing their hearts. [1]
To the ancient Greeks she was known as Themis, originally the organizer of the "communal affairs of humans, particularly assemblies." [2] Her ability to foresee the future enabled her to become one of the oracles at Delphi, which in turn led to her establishment as the goddess of divine justice. Classical representations of Themis did not show her blindfolded (because of her talent for prophecy, she had no need to be blinded) nor was she holding a sword (because she represented common consent, not coercion). [3]
Let’s deal with the colors and their meaning; but first let’s look at Chakra.
In Hinduism and Tantra, any of 88,000 focal points in the human body where psychic forces and bodily functions can merge and interact. In Hinduism there are seven and in Tantra four major chakras, each associated with a colour, shape, sense organ, natural element, deity, and mantra. The most important are the heart chakra, the chakra at the base of the spine, and the chakra at the top of the head.” This definition comes from the Encyclopedia Concise Britannica
For more definitions go to:,GWYA:2005-12,GWYA:en&defl=en&q=define:CHAKRA&sa=X&oi=glossary_definition&ct=title
4th chakra color is GREEN and the 7th chakra is PINK.
The colors of AKA represent abundance of life, womanliness, fidelity, and love.
Fidelity to AKA is clear in their own ritual. It means allegiance to AKA, to remain steadfast to their attachment to the sorority, and a promise to serve.
1. ) loyalty: fidelity to one's country.
2. ) strict observance of promises, duties, etc.: a servant's fidelity.
fidelity. (n.d.). Unabridged (v 1.1). Retrieved February 03, 2007, from website:
Synonyms: These nouns denote faithfulness. Fidelity implies the unfailing fulfillment of one's duties and obligations and strict adherence to vows or promises: fidelity to one's spouse.”
fidelity. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved February 03, 2007, from website:
The two most important Chakra as mentioned in the above definition are the two below.
PINK CHAKRA- LOVE (unconditional)
The Heart Chakra Apart from the seven main chakras (Chakras down on the page) we have other chakras as well. One of these is the pink chakra. Slightly smaller in size than the seven main ones, it lies next to the fourth, green, heart chakra, slightly below it in the chest. Chakras are activated by consciousness. Consciousness of unconditional love activates the pink love chakra. Unconditional love means to love others for what they are, without judging them by your own requirements of who deserves your love and who doesn't. What does this have to do with breatharianism? Quite a lot.
GREEN CHAKRA- The crown or top of the head
Fidelity and Abundance
“The Sanskrit name for the 7th chakra is "Sahasrara", meaning "thousandfold." The 7th chakra is represented by a 1000-petaled lotus, which symbolizes the infinite nature of this chakra, connecting us with the Divine. The 7th chakra is located at the crown of the head and serves as the crown of the entire chakra system, symbolizing the highest state of enlightenment. The function of the 7th chakra is connection with the infinite. In art, Christ is depicted with a halo around his head. This could represent the awakened spirituality of the 7th chakra.”
Jade: fidelity
Emerald: successful love, loyalty, abundance, peace, harmony, patience, honesty strengthens Heart Chakra , abundance, growth, fidelity
In linguistics, intonation is the variation of pitch when speaking. Intonation and stress are two main elements of linguistic prosody.
The seventh intonation.
Seventh Chakra, (crown of head)- High “EEEE”sound, (as in “see”)
More to come on CHAKRA.
I will admit that times must have been tough. But this sorority has not stood up for the Black Community way back, and they certainly have not now. So if they ever were a light, it has gone out. So where are the Christians?
Love that knows no religion! “Love that does not care who you worship” What’s this? I will tell you. It is that old Demonic, Masonic Doctrine of the Fatherhood of God, and the Universal Brotherhood of Man, which states that the different Gods we serve all lead to the one true God. IMPOSSIBLE- John 14:6/Acts 4:12
AKA’s light is that the Father is the cool with Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. “beacon of democratic light”=beacon of spiritual compromise.
Innate is used to describe an inherent or intrinsic characteristic or property of some thing, such as a quality or capability which is possessed since birth.
1 : existing in, belonging to, or determined by factors present in an individual from birth : NATIVE, INBORN
This is the worst mistake mankind makes. This is secular humanism, an ANTICHRIST worldview, in practice. Why is this assessment of man possessing innate goodness wrong? Romans 3:23/6:23, Jeremiah 17:9/Psalm 51:5, etc.
Themis’ Bright Crown- Line 2
Themis, Goddess of Justice
A common representation of Justice is a blind-folded woman holding a set of scales. The origin of the Goddess of Justice goes back to antiquity. She was referred to as Ma'at by the ancient Egyptians and was often depicted carrying a sword with an ostrich feather in her hair (but no scales) to symbolize truth and justice. The term magistrate is derived from Ma'at because she assisted Osiris in the judgment of the dead by weighing their hearts. [1]
To the ancient Greeks she was known as Themis, originally the organizer of the "communal affairs of humans, particularly assemblies." [2] Her ability to foresee the future enabled her to become one of the oracles at Delphi, which in turn led to her establishment as the goddess of divine justice. Classical representations of Themis did not show her blindfolded (because of her talent for prophecy, she had no need to be blinded) nor was she holding a sword (because she represented common consent, not coercion). [3]
After ALL this being said, I want all AKA’s to consider this, What CAN you say?
Minister Fred Hatchett © Copyright 2006
Any copyrighted material contained herein is for: criticism, comments, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. All used in accordance with the Fair Use Exception 17 USC 107.
Also for the use of evangelical purposes, in the form of teaching.
Literally the most bogus read ever. You're just grabbing information from any and everywhere. Unclear vague information, and it’s clear you actually don’t know what you’re taking about .